International Lectures
International Lectures

Complaints Procedure

The following procedure applies to handling complaints:

Submitting the complaint

International Lectures ensures that a complaint can be submitted to it both verbally and in writing. The complaint may relate to International Lectures' own staff as well as to behavior and/or statements made by third parties who have performed work for International Lectures students on behalf of International Lectures.
If the complaint is submitted in writing, it must be clearly described with a clear substantiation of the complainant's position.
The complainant will receive written confirmation of the submitted complaint within 4 weeks. This confirmation includes the date on which the complaint was submitted, a brief description of the facts to which the complaint relates, and the date on which these facts took place.

Taking the complaint into consideration

The complaint will not be processed if it does not concern International Lectures. In that case, International Lectures will refer the complainant to the appropriate person or body.
If the complaint relates to a situation that took place more than 3 months before submission, the complaint will also not be processed. The complainant will be informed of this in writing within a period of 2 weeks after receipt of the complaint.
Complaints submitted anonymously will also not be considered.

Handling the complaint

The complaint will be handled in the first instance by the person to whom the complaint relates, assuming that a good discussion with an explanation of both points of view will lead to a solution of the conflict.
A complaint will always be treated confidentially.
If the outcome of the meeting is not to the complainant's satisfaction, both the complainant and the person to whom the complaint relates will be given the opportunity to be heard by an independent Complaints Committee. In both cases, a written report must be made of this occasion. This report is sent by the complaints committee to both the complainant and the person to whom the complaint relates.
The complaint will be handled by the Complaints Committee within 4 weeks.
The complainant will be informed in writing, stating reasons, of the findings of the investigation into the complaint, as well as of any further measures that have been or will be taken as a result of the findings.
The judgment of the appeal bodies is binding on International Lectures. Any consequences will be dealt with quickly by us.
Complaints and the manner of handling are registered and kept for a period of 5 years.

To submit your complaint in writing, please send an email to
